
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

For all those who donated and prayed for my remarkable summer: THANK YOU! This trip has quite literally changed the course of my life. 


As a recap for my month in Guatemala, here are some highlights:

  • I hiked an inactive volcano in order to see the active volcano right next to it

  • The sweetest family invited us over for a traditional Guatemalan meal as a way to say thank you for our house visits and prayers. I was continually amazed at the hospitality we received. 

  • My group loved doing skits and crafts every week with kids!

Before coming on this trip I wrote down in my journal that I wanted to see miracles, increase my prayer life, learn about my spiritual gifts, and see someone receive salvation. And God delivered. Every. Single. One. 

These past two months I got a taste of what abundant life in Christ feels like when you let the Spirit lead. It looks like asking God daily, “Show me your heart for this situation or this person. Here I am.” Making no plans except to show up and let God do the rest is incredibly freeing! One day my squad and some of the base staff went to a park. Our only agenda? Play worship music and pray with people. With a heart of surrender, God has room to use you as a vessel for His glory. 

During my time in Guatemala the same phrases kept being revealed to me:

1. Take up your cross and follow me. 

2. Letting go of my ways is not a sacrifice, but an honor. 

One day as we were out walking in a village we stopped in an older man’s store. His passion for following Jesus was evident in his smile and zeal to tell my group how proud he is that young people are following Jesus. He mentioned that we must all take up our cross and follow Jesus. The night before, I had read that exact phrase in the gospel of Mark and in the book Kingdom Journeys by Seth Barnes. 

Another day as everyone on the base was worshiping, a woman in the audience told everyone how beautiful it is that we can choose to let God have His way in us because of all He’s done for us. It’s not a sacrifice, but an honor. This same phrase had captured my attention one year prior!

I had never felt more joy in my life than I did in Guatemala while serving others through prayer, listening, and teaching. So, for those reasons I’ve decided to pursue missions full time! The world needs more first hand witnesses and people willing to be radical for Christ. The gospel brings life changing hope and freedom and I can’t return to “normal.”

I withdrew from Arkansas State University and I’m now praying about my next steps. I’m interested in pursuing Discipleship Training School through YWAM (Youth With A Mission) in Northern Ireland beginning in January. Until then I will work and continue serving locally. I don’t know what the future holds long term, but I’m stepping out in faith for step one.

Thank you for following along with this journey and please continue to pray for me as I begin my next adventure of becoming a full time missionary! Pray for wisdom, guidance, and discernment. 

Much love, Jennasey 




3 responses to “What Now?”

  1. I am so proud of you Jennasey, my lovely granddaughter as much as Machi is from heaven. God will always guide you in your mission to spread his word. I am looking forward to seeing you and know more of your future plans. Love you ??????????

  2. Daddy and I are so proud of your decision to serve CHRIST with others in our world. We know it is a challenging time to go out and spread love/light, but Jesus is our Jehovah Jireh and he knows the path you you are going to take my precious daughter. You have wanted to be a missionary since middle school. Your 2 month mission trip has just ignited a fire in your heart that Jesus put there a long time ago. We support you honey. Love you!

  3. Aaaaahhhh! Jennasey I am so proud of you and even more excited about what God has in store! I am so glad you are listen to His voice and answering His call with a resounding “YES!” Praying for you sister and can’t wait to hear more about this journey He’s leading you on! ??